HostlinkUK Anti-Terrorism & Prevent Policy

HostlinkUK recognise their responsibility to safeguard and protect children and young people while staying in Host-Link homestay accommodation. This policy exists to give guidelines to all staff and home stay hosts and volunteers. We aim to ensure we provide a safe and supportive environment for all international young learners staying in homestays and implement procedures in identifying and reporting cases, or suspected cases, of terrorism or radicalisation.

To provide protection for young people and Hostlink UK’s homestay hosts against radicalisation and terrorism.
To provide clear guidance to staff and home stay hosts on what to do in the event that they suspect a child or young person may be at risk of radicalisation or terrorist inclinations.
We will seek to prevent radicalisation and terrorism by:
Ensuring appropriate and regular anti-terrorism risk analysis activities are conducted.
Frequent review of UK Government and countries that Hostlink receives students from legal requirements.
Risk analysis for potential radicalisation or terrorism targeting.
Ensure a code of conduct for Host families and Students to adhere to – ie no inflammatory/radical/political leaflets/posters in house.
Reserves the right to carry out ad hoc third-party reference checks on organisations or individuals who request homestay to ensure no terrorist associations or affiliations.
Maintain up to date and current training of all staff on anti-radicalisation and anti-terrorism policies, procedures and practises.
Conduct due diligence on host families, partners and agents to ensure do not appear on any counter-terrorism check lists.
Apply a “know your family/supplier/agent” principle for all new contracts.
DBS certificates dated in the last 12 months will be checked and reviewed. Up to two external (non- family) referees will be taken to gain references on the hosts suitability.
All appointed homestays hosts are required to complete and sign a Child Protection Declaration (Children Act 1989 and Protection of Children Act 1999) for hosting young people under the age of 18 as well as a Homestay General Service agreement.
HostlinkUK will provide pastoral care and 24 hour emergency phone number alongside the school emergency number.
Learners below the age of 16 will not be permitted to live alone without written parental/ guardian / agent consent. They will be placed in pairs with youngest learners placed near to the school as possible to ensure limited exposure to radicals.
Curfews will be in place. Under 16’s will not be allowed out in the evening. Parental permission maybe given for 17 /18 year olds: 10pm Mon- Friday Weekends: 11pm
The Homestay hosts will monitor students to identify any symptoms of possible radicalisation/terrorist inclinations, and will respond to suspicions.
Homestay hosts are visited and checked every two years by the Accommodation Officer to ensure the environment is appropriate.
Any complaints or concerns about Homestay hosts are immediately investigated by the
Accommodation Officer and appropriate action taken. If deemed necessary the home stay host will cease to be used by Hostlink UK

Reporting Radical/Terrorist Behaviour Suspicions
Concerns about the radicalisation of a student staying with a home stay host should be discussed with the Accommodation Officer who has a responsibility to ensure that the student is not being influenced unduly whilst living with the family. HostlinkUK will act promptly to deal with any suspicions or allegations made. The School organisation and the police will be informed of any allegations by any person living or working with, or looking after students.

Safe working practice for staff and home stay providers
All members of staff and home stay hosts should ensure that they avoid making themselves vulnerable to suspicion of any form of radicalisation/terrorism by maintaining relationships with their students at an appropriate level. Staff should follow the code of conduct guidelines and procedures set out in the company handbook. Guidance is provided to home stay providers by the Accommodation Officer.
If a member of staff or home stay provider is accused of terrorism, management will investigate and resolve where appropriate. The member of staff will be suspended from employment while a fullinvestigation takes place, and if necessary, disciplinary hearing takes place in accordance with company policy.
Hostlink UK operates a policy of not providing accommodation to students under the age of 16 for more than 28 days.

Version 1.1
Last updated August 2023

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HostlinkUK Anti-Terrorism & Prevent Policy

Hostlink UK, Beech Lane, Reading, England, UK
Tel: + 44 (0)7958343981