Hostlink UK provides a lodging service for international visitors over 18 years of age, in the Reading and Oxford areas within the UK. Hostlink UK is committed to providing a safe, clean and comfortable room with one of our specially vetted and approved stay in the UK.
Under the Bed and Breakfast offering, our specially chosen host families will provide
"The food" is part of the homestay experience and you will be expected to eat the same food as other members of the household. However, it is a good idea to discuss any food preferences early in the stay to avoid misunderstandings later. In some countries it is safer to drink bottled water, however it is safe to drink tap water in England.
Homestay and Host Family Accommodation © 2018.
Hostlink UK Privacy Promise
Hostlink UK Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy
Hostlink UK Values & Diversity Policy
Hostlink UK Whistle Blowing Policy
Hostlink UK Anti-Terrorism & Prevent Policy
Hostlink UK, Beech Lane, Reading, England, UK
Tel: + 44 (0)7958343981
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