Homestay locations - Basingstoke


Basingstoke is situated in south central  England, and lies across a valley at the source of the River Loddon. It is located 30 miles (48 km) northeast of Southampton, and approximately 48 miles (77 km) southwest of London.

Basingstoke is an old market town. The former Town Hall which adjoins the old marketplace, now houses the Willis Museum, which boasts a collection on local history, with a particularly extensive collection of prehistoric implements and of antique clocks and watches. 

Basingstoke is also home to multiple theatrical organisations: The Anvil and the Haymarket as well as 'festival place which aside from a wide range of shops, is home to a range of cafés and restaurants as well as a large multiscreen Vue cinema

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Hostlink UK, Beech Lane, Reading, England, UK
Tel: + 44 (0)7958343981